Events: 2022 – 2023

May 2023:

Recently the Sunday School youth spent an afternoon bowling. Great Fun!

April 2023:

April 30: Welcome and God’s Blessing to Lois S. and Danielle S. who became members of our congregation today.

Palm Sunday was a Joyful Sunday for our congregation. During the Sunday service, Haylee M. and Gunnar B. read their Statements of Faith and were confirmed. They are picture below with Pastor Ken.

March 2023:

During the March 26 service, our congregation welcomed Sarah and DelShane K., Karissa B., Karlene and Gage N. as new members. They are shown above with Pastor Ken Adams. God’s Blessings to them!

December 2022:

Our Sunday School Christmas program, titled “The Birth of Jesus” was held on December 18. Narrators were Gunnar B., Haylee M., Kasia M., and Lauryn B. Also involved in the skit were Piper P. as Mary and Walk K. as Joseph. Angels were Dale S., Malika P., and Talisha P. Shepherds were Boden M., Conner M., and Hayden Z. Wisemen were Jacob W., Lane K. and Sawyer P. The program also featured a C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S skit and songs by the congregation.Thank You to Rebecca and Sunday School teachers for the wonderful Christmas program. Thank you to the youth who participated in the program! Thank You to Rebecca, the teachers, students and evedryone involved in this successful program.

Our congregation thanks the following people for sharing a poinsettia this Christmas season:

Red poinsettia in memory of Alvin and Sadie Buckhaus, Roger and Paul Buckhaus, George and Pat Krump from Donnie and LuWana Buckhaus

Two red poinsettias: one in memory of Gilbert and Ruth Buckhouse, Robert and Tillie Hartleben and the second in memory of Orville, Dale, and Tollie Buckhouse from Dean and Audrey Hartleben

Red poinsettia in memory of Eddie, David, and Wendy Kuehl and Edith and Rhiney Ceroll from Joann and Keith Kuehl, Bonnie and John Ceroll

Two red poinsettias in memory of Sharon Kath and Charlie and Mabel Milbrandt from Jim Kath

Red poinsettia in memory of Gordon and Clarrene Prochnow and Wilbur Raddatz from Paul and Lucy Bladow and families

White poinsettia in memory of Ardelle Bladow, Edwin and Ida Bladow, Jim and Ione Bladow, and David Bladow from Paul and Lucy Bladow and families

White poinsettia in memory of LaVerne Bladow, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Roeder, and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Bladow from Kelsey and Judy Evans and family and Milton Bladow

The Guild thanks everyone who brought cookies last Sunday. We made plates four our shut ns and the residents of St. Gerard’s Community of Care. Thank you to Angie W. for delivering the plates to St. Gerard’s.

Augut 2022:

Thank You to all who donated school supplies.  Through your generosity,  we donated the below supplies to Hankinson Public School (Elementary):  4 backpacks, 3 binders, 11 packages of pencils, 4 packages of filler paper, 6 packages of colored pencils, 33 paper folders, 17 college-ruled and  10 wide-ruled notebooks,  one ruler, 3  safety scissors, 8 packages of erasers, 16 boxes of crayons, 8 packages of colored pencils, 5 bottles of glue, 14 packages of glue sticks,  and 8 packages of washable markers.

Nativity Quilt Donation:i

Minnie Dienert and Linda Dettmann worked together to make the Nativity quilt set. It was their first attempt at this type of quilt, but working together, they finished it and donated it to Calvary Lutheran church. With the closing of Calvary, donating it to the Emmanuel United Church of Christ Church in Hankinson was a wonderful decision.

The Nativity quilt is a beautiful addition to EUCC’s Christmas decorations.

July 2022:

July 31: A wonderful morning spent with the members of the Wahpeton UCC at Rosemeade Chalet in Chahinkapa Park with a joint worship service followed by a delicious and relaxing potluck. Thank You to the Wahpeton UCC Members for hosting!

Our church had a wonderful blessed July 4th week-end!

July 3:  Maeve Z.  was baptized.

July 1:  Zach F. and Shelby E were united in marriage

God’s richest Blessings to all.

May 2022:

May 22: Today’s service was special!

Rev. Deborah Blood, Northern Plains Conference Minister, delivered the Message during our regular service. Rev. Blood became the Northern Plains Conference Minister during the past year. Previously, she was the Maine Conference Minister.

Four members of our congregation who will be graduating from Hankinson Public School this coming week were recognized with gifts from the congregation and the Ladies Guild. Graduates are Chase E., Tenley E., Ella W., and Emma K. Best Wishes to them as they continue their education

With a grant from the Welk Family Foundation, a new exterior lighted cross replaced the existing cross. Once the electrical work is complete, the cross will be on a dusk – to -dawn timer.
